Love or loathe your freckles? Using advanced dark spot removal technology, the Icon laser can safely remove your sunspots, brown skin lesions, birthmark or any other type of hyperpigmentation.

Dark spots are among the first visible signs of aging, caused by an excess of the pigment melanin. Icon laser treatment carefully penetrates through to the deepest layers of your skin (the dermis), to remove the excess melanin. It can generally be applied to your face, décolletage (the area around your neck, shoulders, back and upper chest) and hands.


Icon pigmentation removal takes around 20 minutes per session with no anesthetic cream necessary. This non-invasive laser treatment is gentle on the skin, and you can get back to your day following treatment with little side effects. You may experience temporary redness or minor swelling, which generally lasts only 1-24 hours.

Depending on the darkness and size of your brown spots, several sessions may be recommended to completely remove the pigmentation.

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